3 Common Mistakes : Why Does Manifestation Not Work For You?

According to the Law of Attraction Gurus, if there is no mismatch between what I want and the energy I put forth, I will create my desire quickly. For example, there is no gap between my want for a cup of coffee and my ability to obtain one.
Mistakes Pople Make With The Law Of Attraction

        According to the Law of Attraction, you attract

 everything you want by tuning into its frequency, or by

 being a vibrational match.

For example, if I want a brand new red Audi convertible, I must vibrate at its energy, imagining the car in great detail, imagining myself driving it, how it would appear in my driveway, and how it would feel, smell, sound, and so on.

The more I can vibrate at this frequency, the sooner I'll have my desire. 


How To Analyze Mistakes In The Law Of Attraction?

According to The Law of Attraction Gurus, if there is no mismatch between what I want and the energy I put forth, I will create my desire quickly. 

For example, there is no gap between my want for a cup of coffee and my ability to obtain one.

I brew coffee whenever I want it. 

Some people have even made coffee for me. 

I can instantaneously generate coffee - in the time it takes to brew - without the thought or belief about why I can't drink coffee right away. 

The same method is used to attract anything you want, whether it's love, a successful business, a better career, or a dream house. 

It all appears to be so simple, but the majority of you do not have what you desire. 

This is not to say that the Law of Attraction is nothing more than New Age wishful thinking. 

The fact is that you can almost instantly manifest anything in your life that is in harmony with your desire.

 Depending on your own beliefs and thoughts, perhaps not as quickly. 

For example, If I go up to the Audi dealership and trade in my three-year-old Audi for a brand-new model, 

I'll most likely be sitting in my new Audi before the end of the day. 

Nevertheless, if I fear I cannot afford it, do not have good enough credit, 

or must wait until my existing lease expires, it will take much longer.

        Thus, these limiting beliefs and thoughts always keep you away from your desire.


How To Know If My Manifestation Is Working Or Not?    

        According to TYA, every one of us is a bodily manifestation of the source. And, at source energy, everything manifests instantaneously. 

Most of you don't always resonate with energy because you have ideas, attitudes, situations, and experiences that drain your vitality. 

The issue is, you attract what you believe, not what you desire. 

And some beliefs were instilled in you from a young age. 

For example, you want to attract the love of your life, but 

if you don't believe you will, 

or if you believe you're not worthy, 

or that you're not attractive enough, 

or that you're too old, 

or that a relationship would cost me my freedom, 

You will eventually resist what You want to attract. 

These profound limiting ideas stand in your way at every point and lower your vibration frequency. 

On the surface, you can change your limiting ideas. 

For thatYou must turn to the root of these ideas –

Mistake 1 

 Your transgressors, the ones who first implanted these views in us, are, for the most part, your parents or other family members or friends. 

You may all have violators in your lives. 

Each person, circumstance, or event that cannot fully appreciate indicates that you have some work to do. 

Transgressors can decrease your vibration and remove you from your riches. 

Only by fully appreciating your transgressors will be able to root out the limiting beliefs from your minds once and for all.

(Because your transgressors have the role to challenge your abilities and force you to step outside of your comfort zone in order to accomplish or become different from the rest.)

Most of you have already begun the process of forgiving your parents for your childhood trauma, 

Acknowledging that they did the best they could at the time. 

Nevertheless, complete appreciation is a quantum leap beyond forgiveness. 

Your whole viewpoint, being, and vibration really shift when you radically respect your parents by realizing how their words and deeds were extremely necessary for who you have become and part of the universal process of creation. 

How do you think you're the best person of your upbringing?

What role did your transgressors have in shaping who you are?

Why did you bring your transgressors into the world in the first place?

As you confront your limiting beliefs by fully understanding their roots, 

You begin to loosen their grip on you and when you are free of the ideas that hold you down, 

You are more frequently at an abundant vibration and become a vibrational match to what you desire. 

Instead of viewing yourself through your own limited beliefs and self-judgment, 

Meditate and Practice Gratitude to see yourself through the eyes of the UNIVERSE. 

To determine this root reason within you, ask yourself the following questions.

What is the universe's perspective on you and your place in the physical world?

Why does the universe's unconditional love keep you from becoming, having, or accomplishing?

What constraints have the universe imposed on you that prevents you from manifesting your desires?

        When you can see not through your own eyes, but through the eyes of the universe, you will realize there is nothing you cannot be, have, or achieve. 

And that you did, in fact, manifest your physical self in order to be, have, and achieve anything in the physical world. 

Seeing through the eyes of the universe raises your vibration to the highest of all possible frequencies, where manifestation is immediate. 

Again, you must be a vibrational match in order to attract something or someone into your life.


Also Read, How To Use The Law Of Attraction For Good Health | Manifest Mental Health |


Mistake 2 : 

Low vibrational states are what prohibit you from achieving your goals. 

As a result, the acknowledged remedy is to maintain your high vibration at all times. 

Nevertheless, being in high vibrating levels all the time is just impossible in the physical world since the physical world is a world of opposites, of duality. 

North has a counterpart in the south. 

There is a positive and a negative. 

Up has resulted in down. 

You can't cut a magnet fine enough to remove one pole. 

A magnet always has a north and a south pole. 

You work hard to raise and maintain your vibration, yet something always happens. 

You get out of bed on the wrong side. 

On your way to work, you got a traffic ticket. 

Your employer summons you to her office. 

You have disagreements with your loved ones. 

You are aware of the current situation. 

They get off to a bad start and fall from there. 

Why? It is the natural polarity of the universe to have good days and bad days, high-vibration days and low-vibration days. 

Low vibration appears for a cause. 

You drew it in. 

And as your vibration falls, you attract more of what you don't want.


Mistake 3 : 

  Desperation is a barrier to manifestation. 

When you desire something so desperately, you are essentially expressing your dissatisfaction with the fact that you do not already have it in your life, 

While simultaneously placing a lot of pressure on that 'thing' to complete you, fill a gap, or make you feel a specific way. 

This is a lack mentality, and lack attracts more lack! Nothing, not even your manifestations, desires, neediness, 

No desire of yours wants to be dominated or obsessed with, they feel constrained energetically and will unconsciously resist you.

The solution is to be crystal clear about what you want, 

Then, patiently wait for it to arrive! 

Have you ever wondered why the things you want the least tend to arrive the quickest? 

Or how about when you think about something, then forget about it, and it appears? 

That's because once you were clear, you let go and enjoyed the journey! 

Remove the conditions and know that you're happy, loved, cared for, protected, or have a great vibe without your manifestations. 

Waiting on your manifestations to fill in something or make you feel a specific way gives up all of your great potentials. 

You and only you have the ability to make yourself happy.

To determine this root reason within you, ask yourself the following questions. 

Do you believe the Law of Attraction is ineffective?

Do you have difficulty manifesting your desires?

Try these three ideas and solutions. Detune your transgressors with total gratitude, perceive yourself and the world through the eyes of the universe, 

and accept and love the periods when you are not vibrating as high as you would want. 

Acceptance and gratitude are all that are required to spend more time matching the frequency of what you want and less time attracting what you don't!


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